Established during Wrath, < Afraid of Elementals > is an adult raiding guild built on the simple premise that raiding on a limited schedule does not have to mean missing out on content or the guild experience.
We have professions, families, and life to attend to, but we still like slaying internet monsters in our spare time. If you're interested in a fun, focused raiding environment on a lighter schedule, come chat with us about ours.
Raid Times: Tues & Thurs 8:15 - 11pm EST
If you don't see your class/spec listed, don't hesitate to apply. Applications are always welcome. Logs preferred but not mandatory.
Feel free to message us: Kris#1983 (Raid Lead) | Aibe#1102 (Officer)
Afraid of Elementals 正在招募!
Afraid of Elementals 招聘什么活动?
Afraid of Elementals 主要使用什么语言?