GFY is a two night a week (Tuesday/Thursday) Raiding guild on Fizzcrank/Aggramar. We are always looking for exceptional raiders to boost our core team. We push for AOTC each tier and push into mythic to get as many bosses down that our limited raid schedule allows, with the goal of CE if we can! We have plenty of folks who run high M+ keys, offer achievement runs, and all around good company!
If you would like to join us, or have any questions you can reach out to Froosty (Bnet: Froosty#2349 Disc: Froosty) or Syrk (Bnet: Syrkette#1449 Disc: Syrkette) or Archnemesis (Bnet: Archnemesis#11923 Disc: oldarchy). We look forward to hearing from you!
Froosty (Bnet: Froosty#2349 Disc: Froosty) or Syrk (Bnet: Syrkette#1449 Disc: Syrkette) or Archnemesis (Bnet: Archnemesis#11923 Disc: oldarchy)
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