Hello everyone, “Carpe Noctis” is a semi-hardcore guild which strikes the balance between progressing and having fun. We were first formed at the end of Pandaria expansion (2014) and have been through a lot of changes during all these years. At this moment, we have a core group of raiders who have been raiding together for many expansions. We are focused on progression at a good, steady rate with the goal of achieving Cutting Edge. We also do events outside of raiding (m+ and PvP Included), chilling on Discord, with the will to not only focus on the raiding side of the guild but also maintaining a friendly community.
We are currently looking for experienced players that are willing to have fun with us and progress through the content.
We are always willing to consider great players regardless of recruitment status and precious experience, so don’t hesitate to apply. We also accept all social/casual players/pvp and m+ and love to have them with us on the non-raid events or alt runs.
Raiding Schedule:
Wednesday 20:00-23:00 st : Progress raid
Thursday 20:00-23:00 st : Progress raid
Monday 20:00-23:00 st : alt run
What You Can Expect From Us
What We Expect From You:
For more info please contact:
Bnet: Angeljol#2733 DarkBane#25374 Paulandrewss#2303
Discord: Angeljol#8537 Morkoth#3391 Paulandrewss#2682
Discord: Angeljol#8537, paulandrewss #2682, Morkoth#3391.
Carpe Noctis 正在招募!
团队副本, 地下城, 社交
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