Who are we Enigma is a raiding guild of friendly people that are looking to challenge the game content as much as possible, with mythic raiding being the ultimate goal. That being said, we prioritize having fun with each other while playing the game we enjoy.
We are currently recruiting Mythic Raiders. We are always on the lookout for Heroic/M+ players and all classes and roles will be considered. We request for ilvl of 475ilvl in order to be able to jump straight into the raids (mythic).
Socials are also welcome, for the people that want to just hang out and have fun.
Raiding We raid 3 nights per week; two main raid and one social night.
The raid days are:
Wednesday/Sundays - 20:30 - 23:00 ST (progression) Saturday - 20:30 - 23:00 ST (social/alts)
What you can expect By joining Enigma you are joining a group of friends that are interested in having fun with each other while enjoying the game. Beyond raiding we enjoy a number of other activities, such as pushing m+, doing PvP, or even RP and you will always find someone to help you, no matter what you are trying to do.
When it comes to raiding we are pushing our limits to do as much of the current content as possible, while at the same time farming defeated bosses and difficulties regularly.
What we expect We expect our raiders and trials to sign up for 75% of the raids per month, fully prepared with
Understanding of the tactics Fully enchanted and gemmed Supplied with personal consumables (food, flask, pots, etc)
Contact Info If you wish to contact us for further information, feel free to give a whisper to any of the following officers or recruiters and we'll be happy to help you.
Whisper in-game or guild application
Enigma 目前不招募。
团队副本, 社交, 地下城
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